Thoughts While on the Trail

Hello everyone, although I just (5-30) passed the 1000 mile mark of my journey this is my first entry for thoughts from the trail. These thoughts are not chronologically arranged but are a result of notes I have made to myself along the trail and can now start to express them here. some are short some are more involved but all represent things God puts on my heart to contemplate. My hope is that they will be nuggets for you to chew on for your own life. I would love to receive any type of feed back--positive negative or indifferent.


Satan attacks before I even start

The last night Diane and I were to spend together before departing for the trail for 6 months was anything but what I expected. We had spent 2 great days going to southern Ohio and on our finale night together I can up lame with excruciating sciatic nerve pain. I could not lie,sit or walk without debilitating pain.How crafty Satan can be! Instead of enjoying each others physical and emotional company I spent the last night with Diane trying to massage away the pain until 3:00 in the morning. Finally, exhausted I prayed for healing and we both drifted off to sleep. As morning came I do not know why I was surprised, but the pain was gone. Whenever we have turned to God He has always been faithful to meet our needs, when they line up with his. God wanted me on the trail and nothing Satan would throw at us was going to keep that from happening! It  occured to me that what a beautiful example of Godly love and committment to one another that this was. Just something to chew on,Missionary

